
Are Cummerbunds Out of Style

Are cummerbunds out of style

Cummerbund, as the name suggests, is a formal wear accessory intended to conceal the waistband of the trousers and prevent awkward shirt bunching. One question pops up often nowadays – are cummerbunds still in style?

The short answer is yes and no. That’s because, as trends go by, many fashionistas claim that cummerbunds are slowly fading into obscurity.

So while they might not be quite mainstream at the moment, there are certainly men who strive for that classic, old-school look.

Is this enough to buck the trend and style a tuxedo cummerbund for your next formal event? Let’s go ahead and find out!

Why Are Cummerbunds Out of Style?

While cummerbunds are still prevalent in some parts of the world, they’ve become less seen as time goes on.

Ultimately, it comes down to cultural and geographic tendencies.

For example, cummerbunds have largely fallen out of style in most European countries. This is because they are deemed too formal for most occasions.

However, that doesn’t mean they’re automatically wrong for every occasion. It just means that there is a more versatile option, like a waistcoat.

That’s why we usually recommend wearing a waistcoat if you want to stay on the safer side.

Another factor is because of the ever-growing popularity of casual wear for men.

In most cases, you can simply implement a single pocket square or a bow tie to add a touch of color.

Some feel that cummerbunds can be too constricting and uncomfortable, which is yet another cause why they’re no longer popular among men in the modern world.

However, many men haven’t abandoned their beloved cummerbund style despite all this.

So while cummerbunds might still be worn at formal events, they’re more likely to be perceived as an optional extra rather than the mandatory uniform.

Why Has Cummerbund Style Seen a Decline in Popularity?

Cummerbunds were widely worn during the late 19th century and early 20 century with a tuxedo jacket and dinner jacket.

So the main reason why cummerbunds have seen a decline in popularity is that formal events have become less common.

They are only worn with tuxedos at formal events where the black-tie dress code is the norm. In fact, this is the only place where you can see men in cummerbunds.

Another thing is that men’s clothing has evolved, and fashion trends have changed over time.

Instead of wearing a cummerbund, stylish gentlemen express their sartorial skills with other accessories.

Such examples are patterned pocket squares, different bow tie styles, suspenders, etc. In fact, most men nowadays wear suspenders with tuxedos, making the cummerbund obsolete.

Style Tips on Wearing a Cummerbund

There is very little room to experiment when wearing a cummerbund.

However, you can still make some exciting tweaks if you want to add it to your formal wear repertoire.

We’ll give you some style tips to be conscious of in order to avoid looking dowdy.

Don’t Wear a Cummerbund with a Suit

As previously stated, you can put on a cummerbund only if wearing a tuxedo. But not with suits.

Even the most formal suit won’t match the delicate fabric and formality of a cummerbund.

Suits are typically prevalent in the business and professional world, so this is a no-no for black-tie events.

Never Wear it Along with a Belt

Cummerbunds are worn with formal attire, whereas belts are completely uncommon and frowned upon.

Ultimately, considering you are attending a black-tie event, you’ll wear formal trousers with buttons for suspenders and not belt loops.

Even if you get your hands on contemporary-style trousers with loops, a belt will clash horrendously with this.

Do Not Wear a Cummerbund with a Waistcoat

While it is already apparent that cummerbunds and waistcoats cover the waist area, wearing them both is redundant.

While waistcoats are more versatile and worn with tuxedos and suits, cummerbunds can only be styled with tuxedos for black-tie events.

Make Sure to Put Your Cummerbund Properly

Just because a cummerbund is formal doesn’t mean it can be sloppy and unkempt.

Place it in a way so that the pleats are facing outwards, or else you’ll send a message that you are entirely unfamiliar with this garment.

This is not only done for fashion purposes but also for functionality.

Back in the day, when the elites adopted cummerbunds, they were commonly used to hold symphony or opera ticket stubs.

This was believed to prevent a gentleman from rummaging through his pockets for them.

Match the Fabric & Color with Your Bow Tie & Jacket Lapel

The most traditional way is the cummerbund to match the fabrics and colors of your bow tie and tuxedo lapel.

So, for example, our advice is if you are wearing a satin lapel tuxedo and bow tie, you should opt for the same fabric cummerbund.

The same goes for the colors. It would be best if you matched a standard black bow tie with a black cummerbund for a cohesive and polished look.

However, many fashion experts swear that a contrasting cummerbund would look better against a classic tuxedo style in black, as the colors will pop more.

At the end of the day, it is up to you and your personal style preferences.

We suggest a bold red, navy, or even a white cummerbund to bring a little playfulness to your whole ensemble.

Just remember to abide by the dress code and experiment on less formal occasions than a standard black-tie event.

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